
How To Write The Perfect Blog Headline?

What Are Blog Headlines?

Blog headlines can be considered the content “titles” and are shown within the results when people do a search in Google GroupBuy SEO tools, Bing and Yahoo. They are also shown when marketing through other channels like social media, email, etc. I think they are the most important element of the search results because when you have an attractive headline, you’ve just increased the chances of someone clicking-through to your content. Here’s something else you should know…
When you perform a search in Google there are approx 10-12 results displayed on a page so competition is very high and it’s your headline that’ll differentiate your content compared to your competitors. For example, what’s more attractive?
  • 5 Ways To Increase Traffic
  • How I Increase Traffic by 25% Using These 5 Tricks
Obviously the second one is more attractive and would get the higher share of click-through. To win over customers it’s important you have headlines that represent your content well because having them visit your page is the first factor in building your blogs reputation.

Writing the Perfect Headline

Writing headlines doesn’t have to be tedious and over the years I’ve found a winning combination that’s perfect for crafting quality headlines. Each time you write content follow these steps to create the perfect headline…
First, always start by performing research so you know what your competitors are doing. There NOT only writing content based on the same topic, but competing directly with you in the SERP’s for traffic. For example, doing a quick search in Google for the keyword “link building tips GroupBuy SEO tools” will show me my competition on the first page.
I’ll pay close attention to their headlines so I know going forward how I should craft mine. Here’s something else, I can gather great ideas and combine different elements from my competitors. Next,
It’s important to know exactly what type of content I’m writing so I can add the important phrases into my title. Here’s an example,
I have to figure if my content is…
  • List type
  • How-to
  • Bonus
  • Top 10
  • Predictions
  • Best and worst
For example, if my content is a tutorial on link building than I’ll use the following combination within my title – How To (popular phrase) when link building.
The concept of winning customers through content “headlines” and “titles” is NOT new and many experienced bloggers will tell you how important they are to increase engagement. Attention grabbing headlines is what will differentiate you compared to your competition when marketing. Ask yourself this question and apply it to your content the next time you publish…
  • Why do you click on specific content within the search results?
  • Why do you click-through to content on social media networks compared to others?
  • What do you find attractive and can you utilize these elements when you write content?

